Tagget med educational technology

Technology and ethnography – will it blend? Technological possibilities for fieldwork on...

243 views 7. mars 2022

Presentation of the article by Clemens Wieser, published in Seminar.net Vol. 11, No. 3 (2015). Read online: Technology and ethnography – will it blend? Technological possibilities for fieldwork on transformations of teacher knowledge with videography and video diaries

How are technology-related workplace resources associated with techno-work engagement among a...

329 views 17. februar 2021

Presentation of the article by Jaana-Piia Irene Mäkiniemi, Salla Ahola and Johanna Joensuu, published in Seminar.net Vol. 15, No. 1 (2019). Read online: How are technology-related workplace resources associated with techno-work engagement among a group of Finnish teachers?

On the expression of hegemony in the field of educational technology

249 views 2. desember 2020

Presentation of the issue and editorial by Geir Haugsbakk and Yngve Troye Nordkvelle, published in Seminar.net Vol. 16, No. 2 (2020). Read online: On the expression of hegemony in the field of educational technology

The challenges and opportunities of using 360-degree video technology in online lecturing: A case...

413 views 26. mai 2020

Presentation of the article by Mikko Hyttinen and Olli Hatakka, published in Seminar.net Vol. 16, No. 1 (2020). Read online: The challenges and opportunities of using 360-degree video technology in online lecturing: A case study in higher education business studies